It’s the morning after you graduate MAS! You should have seen us packing up our 5th apartment: giddy as can be, while running on pure muscle memory, because we’ve done it so many times! Even though it was a little weird trying to explain to people what the heck we were up to these past 2 years (“No, its not a masters program.” “No, its just fake advertising for real companies...ect”), it was well worth it. Just thinking about it gives me vague feelings of vertigo.
Here’s a list of the top 10 things we learned these past 2 years:
It is possible to arrive to your first day of work, homeless and hungry, and still make a good impression.
Brain food WORKS. Always eat something approximately 30 minutes before concepting.
Always bring a pen. You’ll look more prepared than the guy who didn’t.
Never underestimate the time it takes to render a project out (usually quadruple it).
Never EVER wear shiny jewelry in Rio de Janeiro.
If you work in advertising, you must be ready to drink alcohol at any moment.
Different day, different judge. Submit, and re-submit your work to award shows.
It’s perfectly normal to get food shipped in from Whole Foods from across the planet.
The cloud ceiling looks like it’s 10x higher up in Australia than the USA. Very distracting.
We work well under pressure. Really, its the only time we actually work.
A better you=A better planet :)
Are you tearing up right now because you think that the World Tour is over? THINK AGAIN. As far as we’re concerned its only half-time folks. Check out what we’ve got in store. First, we are going to Vancouver. Hitting up some autumn activities, hiking mountains, eating pumpkins, you know, whatever they do in Canada. Then, thanks to Alicia’s Mom and Hans, we are blowing out on a huge graduation cruise! We shall embark on a 15 day journey, crossing the Pacific, all the way to Hawaii! Last port of call is San Diego, California, and literally, it’s the last port of call for AdverBarbie as well. Can someone say, Hallelujah! The goal is to land a job in LA, so if you know anyone in the industry out there, ...send them our link www.adverbarbie.com or have them email us adverbarbie@gmail.com.
Thanks guys for reading along through our journey! And prepare thyselves for the big “Canuck Post” coming soon!
Check out our FINAL Reel, this is what we presented to everyone at Graduation...enjoy :0
2010 AdverBarbie Reel from AdverBarbie on Vimeo.

This photo compliments of Paola Lleneza
This photo compliments of Paola Lleneza (AdverBarbie with some of our fav. guys from MAS Miami)

(Our book would not be where it is today without all the help we got from Martin, our portfolio teacher. Thanks again for all your time and help!)