AdverBarbie is back in the USA, and the world capital of advertising, New York City. Its been an incredible journey thus far, and we couldn’t think of a better way to integrate back into American culture than returning to the mecca of fast living and fabulous shopping. Bright lights, big city, and of course Miami Ad School, Brooklyn. The Brooklyn location boasts full views of downtown Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge. We found an apartment in East Village, (while we were in all the way down in Brazil) and moved in the day before classes started.
This quarter we are not interning at an agency, but rather, we are taking the quarter to focus on our books. Dubbed “portfolio quarter,” we will be focusing on book, and building our network to land our first real job. After working full-time and moving around the world, we’re glad to be back in the classroom. Hopefully, we won’t get too distracted by this awesome city. From the pictures below, its going to be tough!

Tremendez Photography