Saturday, November 28, 2009

2009 Eurobest Advertising Festival.



Since day 1 in Amsterdam, we were told about Eurobest.  For those who don't know, it is basically the "advertising championships" for Europe, held by Cannes Lions.  The awards have been going on for the past 22 years, and was mainly based off of online judging and awarding.  However, this was only the 2nd time that its been turned into a major week long festival.  Amsterdam hosted it in the historic stock exchange building, Beurs van Berlage.  

The event was spectacular and we were given the best job imaginable; were we inside the jury room, while the best creatives from Europe judged over 4000 entries.  Needless to say, we learned a TON, and met all the big players in European advertising.  What an experience to watch a group of 20 Creative Directors and Executive CD’s debate what is actually great and what is crap. 

We now know exactly what goes through the top creatives head’s when judging for awards. Definitely expect to see this experience rub off on us (hopefully by wining a few awards ourselves).

Also at Eurobest, was the 48 Hr Young Creatives contest.  Gustav Johannson, the most awarded ad student of 2009 was there, doing the contest.  We always talk about his work, so it was really cool to see him in person.  His book is incredible, check it out here:
Devon and Kunal, the MAS Portfolio students got to participate as well, and were one of the best teams.  We tried to do it, but were told there wasn’t enough space/time errrr :-/

Eurobest made Amsterdam 100% worth it.  We found out that we were the first ad students ever in to be in jury rooms for all of Cannes Lions and Eurobest.  LUCKY us!

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