We finally got our own bikes. Albeit, the majority of surface area is a breathtaking shade of rust, they do the trick. Adverbarbie was stoked to finally be free of those tragic walks home through the RLD. Things were really looking up, until Meesh’s tire blew out on the maiden voyage. Couldn’t even make it home without the gears grinding, and the entire rubber part of the tire slipping off the rim. We’re talking sparking metal to cobblestone. Of course this caused hysterical laughter from locals. Errrr :/
Anyways, here is Waterlooplein Market where we bought these beauties. It is a Dutch shitshow of the most random things you could imagine. AdverBarbie was in heaven. From male fur babushkas, golden compasses, batteries, and spray paint; everything was there. They even were selling old pick-pocketed wallets in a large bin for 3 Euros each. These Dutch are just reselling everything physically possible. It was WILD. Enjoy the photos.
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