After months of anticipation, we found out the next stop on the world tour: Sao Paulo, Brazil.
You’re looking at the newest creative intern team for Ogilvy & Mather, Advertising Agency. We are all set to arrive March 30th, and start work April 5th. We’ll be there for another memorable 10 weeks, yeah! If you haven’t realized it already, this means we have successfully circumnavigated the globe in 9 months, sampling advertising and cultures like wildfire. The World Tour has progressed far better than we could have imagined. This deserves a big Aussie, “Sweet As! How good is that mate?”
You’re probably wondering, how do these girls have the energy to keep traveling like they do? Don’t they miss their friends and families? Aren’t they running out of money? Yep, it does get super tiring at times, especially setting up and closing down shop every couple months, but it’s totally worth it.
Also, we would like to state for the record that we have the most amazing and incredibly supportive families. We are SO grateful for all their help along the way. We could not do it without them, and they are with us every step. Big thanks to both sets of our parents :)
Also a big shout out to our brothers and sisters, boyfriend (aka TreMendez), and best friends. We miss you, and thanks for keeping up with all AdverBarbie’s crazy antics.
Enjoy the next few posts, and we’ll be seeing you all soon. Get this, we leave Sydney Tues, March 16th @ 2:00pm, and we arrive in LA on Tuesday @ 9:00am! Hows that for a mind trip? Can’t wait to get some R&R stateside for a while. Ahhhh God bless the USA.
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